Think Differently About Health!

Transform Your Health and Embrace Full-Body Freedom!

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The number one question searched on the internet is, “Why can’t I lose weight?” Thousands of programs try to answer that question. But the right answer to the wrong question is still the wrong answer. Answer the first question and you might lose weight for a little while, but have YOU actually changed?

Do you...

  • Look at yourself in the mirror with disgust?

  • Hate trying on clothes because you never feel quite right in anything?

  • Complain about your thighs, legs, arms, stomach, face with an overall dislike of how you look and feel?
  • Have you tried a million fad diets only to hate yourself even more because you didn’t get the results you envisioned?

It all begins with self-awareness

We have been convinced that the change you want comes from something you have to change on the outside. What if it comes from something inside of you that expresses itself on the outside?

When the change you're really after is the powerful shift of understanding yourself first, then health will follow in the most beautiful and impactful way!

Are you ready for the most impactful change of your life? Then it’s time to TDAH!

Are you ready for the most
impactful change of your life?

Then it's time to TDAH!

42 Days to Full
Body Freedom!

  • Launching Tuesday, August 20th
    (6 Tuesdays)
  • Catching Live Via Zoom:
    Tuesday, 6:30-8:00 PM CST

Ultimate Transformation Plan

$240 for 6 weeks

One-Time Fee

What’s Included:

  • 1 large concept video each week
  • Daily short videos/content to expound on the concept posted in the private community
  • Journal
  • Private TDAH Community
  • 6 Group Coaching Sessions
  • 6-Month Subscription to Think Differently Academy

Course Outline

Week 1

The Mind and Body Connection

Week 2

Navigating Parts

Week 3

Internal Dialog: Fears and Doubts

Week 4

What’s Fueling You?

Week 5

Deep Dive into Your Relationships

Week 6


Before you clean out your cupboard and fridge, before you buy all of the health food, supplements, products, protein powders, and bars, before you sign up for another program… you’re going to need to change one thing.

If you don’t change this one thing, every effort and dollar you put into all of the above will be a waste.

You’ll probably lose weight. You might even fit back into that pair of jeans you’ve loved for a long time. And you’ll probably feel really good… for a while. But this one thing probably won’t change.
What’s that one thing?

How you see your body.

If you hate your body when it’s packing on extra pounds, then you will still, more than likely, hate your body when you’ve lost the unwanted weight.

Body image doesn’t come from an external belief about self. It comes from core beliefs deep inside of you that dominate your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

Personal Story

My name is Polly Hamp, and at 51 years old, I had finally had enough! I remember the very first time I thought I was fat. I was 8 years old, and we had just moved to an apartment complex because my mom and dad got a divorce. I became friends with a girl who was a bit older than me. She was tall and very skinny. Note: I was also a pretty thin kid too.

We were sitting outside on the air conditioning units on a hot Texas day. The wind from the units blew on us to help us cool down. (You know it’s hot when the AC unit air is cooler than the air outside. Ha-ha.) We were comparing our legs, and mine were bigger than hers. That observation, coupled with how the women I grew up around always wanted to be thinner; never liked their bodies, set in motion a lifetime of dieting and body shaming.

I hated my body at its thinnest. I hated my body at its largest.

I so desired to raise my own daughters to have a healthy body image and yet the generational patterns over powered my desire for something different. I still hated my body like the generations before me. Go figure! It’s said that we’ll repeat our Family of Origin (FOO) until we don’t. If you’re ready… you’re about to embark on interrupting your FOO and your life! And in the best way possible! 
Polly Hamp

Ready to Transform
Your Health?

Join Think Differently About Health (TDAH) Today!

About Polly Hamp

I am a licensed NLP Master Practitioner and a Trauma Recovery Coach. I see clients weekly, helping them heal from PTSD, CPTSD, anxiety, toxic relationships, healing from abuse, and much more. Together, my husband and I own Think Differently Academy, a virtual community of people who desire to find freedom and live their lives to the fullest. We are both authors and travel around the world speaking and teaching about the things God has put in our hearts.

You will notice in my little "About me" section I am not a doctor or nutritionist. I am a human passionate about helping other humans discover their truest versions of themselves. I am a human that has walked through a lot of healing and, in turn, helps walk my clients through theirs. I am a human that has a passion to learn how to best help someone break free from what keeps them trapped and together they journey through their process to become whole.

Start Your Journey
to Full-Body Freedom
with TDAH Today!